Saturday, July 4, 2009

my first post........

What should i write about!! am thinking.....
should i write about how how yucky am feeling right now...becos of the recession, becos am not able to spend time with people I want to……. how anxious i am about the coming week at Vaishnavi’s school, how difficult it is to write.......!!!...

And these lay offs. Pay cut fears…This morning I heard someone say…you will have this…but 25% of your pay is cut!!!!!
Now how am I to cope with that….what do I do for the living..what about the insurance premiums…….I should stop dreaming about expensive red framed spectacle, swimming classes, dance school for Vaishnavi…………….Will I be able to give her the best ? I can imagine not using the Audio and video CDs for song, rhymes…………instead I have to sing and dance….funny eh…….I would love to do …but all these for cost cutting?......

Not feeling so good…my first post is so negative!!!

1 comment:

  1. Not all that negative. Cutting costs is a good thing no matter how frugal our expenses are.
